Have you ever heard the word kermes? While the first kermesse dates back to a parade celebrating a tragedy in 14th century Brussels, a traditional Mexican festival is more like a carnival celebration featuring games, food, and more. These days, many churches, schools and associations in Mexico host a Kermesse to invite the local community to come together to help fund various causes. Kermes is a joyous and energetic celebration that is often compared to a carnival or other festival. You can expect to enjoy a wide variety of Mexican activities and games at a kermes. If you want to learn more about Mexican kermes celebrations, keep reading below.



All About Mexican Kermes

During a visit to Mexico, don’t miss a chance to experience an authentic Mexican Kermesse. It is typical to buy tickets that you will exchange in order to purchase food or play games. The purpose of buying tickets versus using regular money creates the sense of being in a different town or city which enhances the experience. Typically held outdoors, you can also bet there will be a nice selection of authentic local foods, drinks, sweets, and Mexican snacks. Some of the most common goodies to try include cotton candy and deep-fried pastries known as “churros” that are covered in cinnamon and sugar. You can also expect to find elotes for sale as well which are cobs of corn that are boiled, covered with mayonnaise or cream, sprinkled with cheese, and a hint of spicy pepper is added for a kick of heat.



Games at a Mexican Kermes

Mexican Kermes will include a large variety of games for visitors to partake in. For example, common games found at Mexican kermes include marbles (canicas), lotería, fishing, popping balloons with darts, and mini horse races. Children especially love visiting the different booths and checking out all the games to play. Sometimes, there is even a fake marriage booth where couples can pretend to get married and take silly photos. There are so many traditional games played at Mexican kermes so make sure you try them all. Often, there is live music including traditional folkloric dancing, too. In addition to tons of games and entertainment, you can often find mule rides, tequila tastings, and even mariachi performers singing their hearts out.



More about Mexican Kermes Celebrations

In addition to snacks and sweets, traditional regional food is usually available for purchase at Mexican Kermes. Some of the most common dishes include enchiladas, menudo, pozole, tamales, and tacos. At traditional kermes events, the complex diversity of Mexican cuisine is really on display. For example, the Northeast part of Mexico is where enchiladas originated. Also, “cochinita pibil” (pork meat) originated in the Yucatan Peninsula, and pozole comes from Jalisco. As far as tamales, did you know that there are over 5 thousand styles of tamales in Mexico? Make sure to try as many as you can because they are delicious and affordable!



We hope you enjoyed this article about Mexican Kermes. Are you ready to plan a trip to Mexico to attend this unique cultural celebration in person? If so, you should contact Amazing Mexico at (866) 883-0573. They work with the country’s best resorts that have amazing all-inclusive travel packages available at the country’s top destinations. Currently, special deals are available to visit the Riviera Maya, Puerto Vallarta, Cabo, Loreto, and Cancun. Also, this reputable travel agency only works with reputable resorts that have the best accommodations, world class amenities, and VIP services. Plus, COVID safety and sanitation measures are in place so guests feel safe to truly rest and relax during their stay. Ready to learn more and start planning a trip? Call Amazing Mexico at (866) 883-0573 and surprise your family with a well deserved vacation to sunny Mexico!