Most of us find ourselves as one of three types of vacation planners:

  1. Serious planners – so detail-oriented, full of excitement, we want to have everything mapped out way ahead of schedule.
  2. Last minuters – we are always on the lookout for a last minute bargain and are open to go anywhere if the price is right.
  3. The inbetweeners – We find it hard deciding whether to plan in advance or to grab a bargain deal as it comes last minute

Here are some factors to consider when deciding if it is best to wait last minute or book early for your vacations.

Your Own Personal Situations and Limitations

Your situation and limitations should be on the top of the list and carry more weight than any other factors. In this busy world, everyone tries to squeak out some free time for a deserving vacation. If you’re one busy bee whose life revolves around work and family, planning ahead is a wise thing to do. Aside from smartly budgeting your time, you can get your choice of plane seat, accommodation and the particular activities you wish to do. On the contrary, If you have all the freedom of time, then bargain deals offered in a limited period at the last minute gets you a real price-slash. You just have to consider the seasons too as peak travel dates will always command a higher price, and keep you in the company of many other eager vacationers.

Bargains, Sales and Deals

While last minute deals can offer great prices, planning ahead has its own advantages that can give you more for your money Resorts and most vacation places can reward you for an advance reservation with really cool freebies. It can come in the form of discounts on services like meals, spa, use of facilities or a free night of accommodation, or the comforts of an upgraded room. But if you’re a real thrill seeker, who wants bigger savings, then you should keep your eyes wide open for alerts on promos that travel companies offer. Who wouldn’t want to have a beach getaway or a real highlands adventure at half a price?

Your Adventurous Spirit and Confidence

Traveling in groups, more often, causes more disappointments than relief when it comes to planning and booking. Most resorts and accommodation places can be filled up so quickly, especially during the peak season, and you might end up exerting greater effort searching for a bigger place to accommodate everyone in the party. Booking in advance is therefore recommended, with an opportunity to getting the best deals from many sources. However, if you have a thing for being on pins and needles, then last-minute sales/promos can get your adrenaline flowing. You might even take this whole excitement of catching up on deals with you towards your actual vacation. Such case, promises to bringing in a rocking and adventure-laden vacation.

What do you prefer? Last minute or booking early? Let us know in the comments box.