Can I travel to Mexico during Hurricane Season?

Peak tourist season in Mexico is during the winter months where foreigners flock to Mexico’s beautiful beaches to enjoy perfect weather as they escape snow and rain in their hometowns. However, summer is also a popular time for travelers and visitors in Mexico for those who enjoy a less crowded vacation experience. In addition to individuals enjoying their vacations in Mexico during the summer months, hurricanes also make their appearance known during these warmer months. Hurricanes are formed in the Pacific Ocean, and then quickly increase in strength and can become incredibly damaging to structures and human life if and when they make landfall. Also known as tropical cyclones, hurricanes reach sustained wind speeds of 74 miles per hour or more and are very unpredictable and powerful enough to create catastrophic damages to structures and human life. In addition to the strong winds that hurricanes create, subsequent heavy rains and flooding is very common to follow a hurricane’s path and can create additional damages.
Mexico has been hit by several significant hurricanes in recent history, including Hurricane Katia and Hurricane Patricia. Regarded as the strongest storm ever recorded by meteorologists, Hurricane Patricia miraculously created much less damage than initially expected. Modern technology and methods of predicting weather patterns are helpful in estimating what to expect during a hurricane, but there is no surefire way to predict how mother nature will act or exactly how many hurricanes will occur annually. History has indicated that most hurricanes form during late summer and early fall. Specifically, in Mexico, the majority of tropical storms and hurricanes occur during the hottest months of the year between July and October. September and October are the two most active hurricane months, and once temperatures begin cooling down in November, less and less hurricanes form.
If you decide to travel to Mexico during the summer months, it is most likely you will enjoy a great vacation and not be subjected to any issues related to a hurricane. However, if you do end up finding yourself on vacation with a hurricane heading your way, rest assured that hotels and homes in Mexico are built to withstand the powerful winds of a hurricane. It is important to always follow instruction and guidance from hotel personnel if a hurricane hits, as resort and hotel employees get regular disaster training and know how to deal with hurricanes and other natural disasters. These workers sometimes have had first hand experience themselves with hurricanes, and will respond effectively to keep guests safe and secure. If you happen to find your vacation in Mexico is interrupted by an active hurricane, the most important rule is to stay calm and follow any and all hotel regulations and instructions. Your life and the lives of your loved ones is of the utmost importance.
To summarize, summer vacations in Mexico are an excellent opportunity to enjoy all that Mexico has to offer without the overwhelmingly huge crowds that high season winter months can bring. The potential risk of traveling to Mexico in the summer is the chance you may encounter a hurricane. Although unlikely, if this does happen, remember to protect yourself by always staying alert, following hotel protocol and you will keep you and your loved ones safe so you can enjoy your vacation risk-free.