The Mayan Legend of Hummingbirds

Did you know that hummingbirds are an ancient symbol of good luck? It’s true! These magical tiny birds have an interesting history that dates back to pre-Hispanic Mexico. Mayan legend believed that Gods gave a specific function to everything that they created on Earth. This included everything from animals to trees, and even to stones. However, when the Gods were finished creating, they realized that there was no one in charge of carrying wishes and thoughts from one place to another. Supposedly, there were no more resources to create new animals, so they took a jade stone and carved a small arrow. With the help of a little wind from a sigh of one of the gods, it began to fly. As a result, this is how they gave life to the “xts’unu’um”, which is today known as a hummingbird. Keep reading more below about the Mayan legend of hummingbirds.
Mayan Civilization
The Mayans were a Mesoamerican civilization that created a logosyllabic script which is the most sophisticated and highly developed writing system in pre-Columbian Americas. In addition, they had notable contributions in the fields of art, architecture, mathematics, calendar, and astronomy. The Mayan civilization began as early as 1500 BCE when they inhabited the states of Campeche, Quintana Roo, Yucatán, Tabasco, and Chiapas. There, they settled in villages and began practicing agriculture. The Classic Period of Mayan culture lasted from about 250 CE until about 900. In Mexico, these locations have an ideal climate for hummingbirds. Plus, Mexico has hundreds of species of flowering plants that provide sweet nectar for these tiny beauties. There are nearly 50 different species of hummingbirds and 13 are found in Mexico.
Mayans Revered the Hummingbird
The Mayan civilization’s unique worldview was reflected in its customs, architecture, scientific developments, myths, and legends. The ancient Central American civilization of the Mayans revered the hummingbird as a magic being. Some legends indicated that they believed that the bird was really the sun in disguise appearing as a hummingbird to court a beautiful woman, who is the moon. When they are not flying, their tiny heartbeats between 500 and 700 times per minute. While hummingbirds fly, their heartbeats can reach up to 1,200 beats per minute. The beautifully colored birds can fly in all directions including going up, down, forward, and backward. Their tiny wings can flap up to 60 times per second. As a result, they expend a lot of energy so they need to feed off plenty of nectar every day. In fact, they typically eat around 3 times their weight in nectar!
More About Hummingbirds
Measuring in size between 2 and 10 inches, hummingbirds are the only pollinator bird due to their long and thin beaks. In addition, they have a tetrachromatic vision which is the ability to see more colors than humans. They have fragile and colorful feathers that are so light that they are able to approach flowers without even moving their petals. This interesting fact surprised the Mayans so much that they wanted to catch the bird to use its plumage as an ornament. However, the Gods warned that whoever captured a hummingbird would be punished. Their belief was that the mission of the beautiful bird was to send good wishes and thoughts between humans and even to communicate with loved ones in the afterlife.
We hope you enjoyed this article about the Mayan legend of hummingbirds. The spiritual meaning of hummingbirds goes back to pre-Hispanic times in Mexico. In fact, some legends say that if this bird flies over your head it is taking away your energy. If that’s true, why not send positive and healing energy out into the world. Today, we continue to appreciate this beautiful bird and the magical energy it can bring to one another. If you want to take a vacation to Mexico to soak up the country’s amazing culture and rich heritage, contact Amazing Mexico at (866) 883-0573. Amazing Mexico is a reputable travel agency that offers all-inclusive travel packages to Mexico’s top destinations including the Riviera Maya, Puerto Vallarta, Loreto, Cabo San Lucas, and Cancun. Call Amazing Mexico at (866) 883-0573 and find out what special deals are available right now.