Would you like to try a fun and thrilling new water sport? Do you love to vacation in Cabo San Lucas? If you do, then you should consider surf kayaking in Cabo San Lucas. Surf kayaking is an exciting water sport that allows you to surf the waves of the ocean in a kayak. Very similar to surfing with a surfboard, instead you use a kayak that has been carefully made to handle navigating surf zones and it has a paddle that will assist in steering. You should try surf kayaking in Cabo San Lucas as it is a wonderful way to enjoy the weather, along with getting a great workout, too. Read below to learn why you should try surf kayaking in Cabo San Lucas. 

Try Surf Kayaking in Cabo San Lucas

Before you start surf kayaking in Cabo San Lucas, you must remember that it is very important to respect the water and carefully evaluate the ocean’s conditions. You should try surf kayaking another day if the waves and currents are too strong. The ocean waves and water can change instantly during the day, but the number one priority is staying safe. If the conditions are good, then you will want to make sure you dress appropriately, too. Don’t be tempted to go surf kayaking without wearing a helmet or even wearing a life jacket. You want to be safe, and a simple helmet or life jacket may save your life if the ocean waters become dangerous or you are thrown from the kayak and hit a sandbar or coral reef. Safety is a top priority. 

Beginning Surf Kayaking

To begin surf kayaking you will want to check the waves from the shore first. You should do that before you start surf kayaking. You should try to time the waves, then determine how to get past some of the waves during a lull. It will be much easier for you to get past the break this way, and you won’t have to paddle through breaking waves. The perfect time to put your kayak into the water is when the surf hits the shore. This will keep the waves from moving your kayak. Are you ready to begin surf kayaking? If so, then use your arms to pick up the kayak, then your arms can help you launch into the open ocean waters. The fun will start once you are in the water. 

Cabo San Lucas Surf Kayaking Tips

Would you like a couple of surf kayaking tips? If so, the best tip is practicing a kayak roll beforehand. While you are out in the ocean, swimming outside of the kayak isn’t a smart option so you need to be prepared and practice ahead of time. Even the strongest swimmers can have trouble making sure their kayak and equipment are secure if they end up in the water. Also, you should only use kayaks that have been made for ocean surfing, because they have a spray skirt that is made specifically for the ocean, unlike a regular kayak. 

Locals and vacationers to Mexico should try surf kayaking in Cabo San Lucas. The tips provided above will make your surf kayaking adventure fun, exciting, and safe. Looking for a place to stay in Cabo? Try one of the award-winning Villa Group Resorts. Villa Group Resorts include Villa del Arco Cabo, Villa del Palmar Cabo, and Villa La Estancia Cabo. Villa Group Resorts are known for their spacious and comfortable accommodations, premiere amenities and top services. There are even vacation club memberships available if you want to make regular vacations in paradise a priority for your family. Are you ready to travel to Mexico? Contact Villa Group Resorts today to see what vacation packages are available right now.